# Nesting Parameters


Nesting Parameters contains all the options used to configure a nesting operation.

# Nesting Parameters Module

From the Nesting Parameters module, you can create, copy, edit, and delete nesting parameters.

The Nesting Parameters module can be accessed from the View tab and the Modules drop down.

Item Name Description
New Nesting Parameters Create new nesting parameters starting from the empty template.
Copy Nesting Parameters Create new nesting parameters by copying an existing one.
Open Opens the detail view of the selected nesting parameters. This is the equivalent of double-clicking a row in the list view.
Delete Deletes the selected nesting parameters. For nesting parameters to be deletable, it needs to have no associated material.

# Nesting Parameters List View

Double-click to open the parameters you wish to edit.

# Nesting Parameters Detail View

Edit existing parameters or enter the information to define new ones.

Item Name Description
Name A meaningful name to uniquely identify these nesting parameters.
Description Optional additional information to describe these parameters.
Part Spacing The minimum distance between parts. This value is related to your manufacturing process and the cutting tool used to cut the part.
Nest In Hole Allows parts to be nested inside the holes of other parts. This will override any option set in the individual parts Hole List.
Start Corner The sheet corner from which the nesting will start.
Direction Determines the direction of the nest.
Time Limit The maximum allowed time in minutes for the nesting operation. The operation can end before reaching that time limit.
Top Margin The minimum distance between the nested parts and the top edge of the material sheet. Used only on rectangular material sheets.
Right Margin The minimum distance between the nested parts and the right edge of the material sheet. Used only on rectangular material sheets.
Bottom Margin The minimum distance between the nested parts and the bottom edge of the material sheet. Used only on rectangular material sheets.
Left Margin The minimum distance between the nested parts and the left edge of the material sheet. Used only on rectangular material sheets.
Border Margin The minimum distance between the nested parts and the material sheet edges. Used only on non-rectangular material sheets.
Materials The list of materials currently assigned to these nesting parameters.