# Part Constraints


Part Constraints are the parameters used to restrict the degrees of freedom of a part in a nesting operation. NIO comes with multiple read-only system parts constraints that cover the common scenarios. Custom part constraints can be created by creating new part constraints or by copying an existing one.

# Part Constraints Module

From the Part Constraints module, you can create, copy, edit, and delete part constraints.

The Part Constraints module can be accessed from the View tab and the Modules drop down.

Item Name Description
New Part Constraints Create new part constraints starting from the empty template.
Copy Part Constraints Create new part constraints by copying an existing one.
Open Opens the detail view of the selected part constraints. This is the equivalent of double-clicking a row in the list view.
Delete Deletes the selected part constraints. The system constraints cannot be deleted.

# Part Constraints List View

Double-click to open the constraints you wish to view or edit.

# Part Constraints Detail View

Edit existing part constraints or enter the information to define new ones.

Item Name Description
Name A meaningful name to uniquely identify these part constraints.
Description Optional additional information to describe these constraints.
Reflection Determines if the mirror reflection of the part can alternatively be used as a part definition.
Rotation The rotation constraint mode. Selecting the mode will enable properties specific to that mode.
Fixed Angle A fixed angle value. It will be the only possible position for the part. Example: With a 45 deg fixed angle, the part will only be positioned 45 deg from it's initial position.
Increment An increment angle value. The part will have the freedom to be positioned at every increment position. Example: With a 45 deg increment, the part could be positioned at 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225 or 270 deg.
Angle List A list of fixed angles. The part will have the freedom to be positioned only at the specified fixed angles. Example: With a 45, 90 deg fixed angles, the part will only be positioned 45 deg or 90 deg from its initial position.
Parts and Materials The lists of parts and materials currently assigned to these part constraints.