# Predefined Values


Certain text properties of NIO can be restricted to a defined set of values. Those can be customized in the Predefined Values module.

# Predefined Values Module

From the Predefined Values module, you can edit predefined values.

The **Predefined Values **module can be accessed from the View tab and the Modules drop down.

Item Name Description
Open Opens the detail view of the selected predefined values. This is the equivalent of double-clicking a row in the list view.

# Predefined Values List View

Double-click to open the predefined values you wish to view or edit.

# Predefined Values Detail View

Edit an existing predefined values object.

Item Name Description
Target Property Read only. This is the item type and the property where those predefined values will be available to choose from.
Data Entry Mode The data entry mode can be Flexible or **Strict. **Flexible allows users to select one of the predefined values or enter a new one. While in the Strict mode, the users can only select one of the predefined values.
Values The list of predefined values separated by a semicolon. A predefined value can be any textual value and can include dashes and spaces.
OK Save and confirm your changes and close the dialog.
Cancel Cancel any change and close the dialog.