# User Interface

NIO uses the familiar ribbon layout introduced by Microsoft Office. You will feel immediately proficient in navigating its content. The top portion of the interface is a collapsible ribbon adapting the available actions according to the main view being worked on. Docked on the left is the module navigator that can be completely hidden or collapsed allowing more space for the main view. The main area of the screen is a tabbed layout, allowing multiple views opened at once and docked side-by-side. Finally, at the bottom a status bar shows the status message and indicators for notifications and background-running jobs.

Item Name Description
Application Menu The application menu shows common actions like print, export and exit.
Actions The available actions for the current view.
Module Navigation Rapidly access any module. Can be collapsed or completely hidden.
Ribbon Tabs Access additional actions for the current view.
About Shows the About Dialog with the version and license information.
Send Feedback Opens the Send Feedback dialog to communicate with Paramethod.
Tabs The currently opened views.
Current View The view that is currently active.
Status Message Shows various statuses and confirmation messages.
Notifications Indicator Turns white when there are new notifications. Click to show the Notifications List View.
Running Jobs Indicator Turns white and shows the amount of background running jobs. Click to show the Operations List View.