# Part


A Part is the main type of part in NIO. It can be created with a unique identifier, material, and by importing a CAD file containing the boundaries of the part.

# Part Detail View

Edit an existing part or enter the information to define a new one.

Item Name Description
ID The unique identifier for this part. This typically corresponds to your ERP part number. This is the identifier that will be used to order that part.
Description An optional description to describe the part.
Material The material and thickness from which this part is made off.
Constraints The constraints restricting this part potential nesting positions.
Initial Rotation The initial rotation mode can be either None, Minimum Area Rectangle, Minimum Width Rectangle or Manual. In manual mode the part can be rotated by a specified Initial Angle. The Minimum Rectangle modes have fixed angular values calculated automatically using the CAD geometry. None has the part oriented at 0 deg parallel to the X-axis.
Initial Angle Enabled when the Initial Rotation is set to Manual mode. Enter an angular value to rotate the part. This new position will become the reference position considered by the constraints.
Overall Length The overall length of the part. The maximum X value minus the minimum X value.
Overall Width The overall width of the part. The maximum Y value minus the minimum Y value.
Weight The weight of the part calculated using the material density, thickness and the part dimensions. Pertinent when working with heavy materials for safety concerns.
Area The area of the part.
Perimeter The perimeter of this part. Includes the outer profile and all holes. Useful to calculate the cutting time.
Holes The list of holes in this part. Individual holes can be checked to explicitly forbid the placement of other parts inside.
CAD Preview of the part's CAD file. Use the Import CAD File action to import the file.
Documentation Use the document explorer to attach documentation related to that part. Technical drawing, work instructions, etc.