Nest Jobs
When launching a nesting operation, the list of required parts is compiled and one Nest Job is created per material. The nest job acts as the link between orders and nests. It is the information sent to the nesting engine: the nesting parameters, the list of available material formats for the simulation, and the required parts with quantities.
Customizing the Material List
By default, the nest job will show an infinite quantity of each sheet format from that material. You can configure the material list to mimic specific scenarios of available stocks. Specify which stock should be used first, by reordering the formats. This is very useful to determine if you have enough stock on hand to produce a specific order.
Customizing the Part List
By default, the nest job will have the exact quantity of each part ordered. You can add or remove parts and change quantities to allow special circumstances. Producing more or less parts than the ordered quantity will result in partial or overproduced orders.
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