# Material Categories


Materials from the same family or sharing similar properties can be organized using Material Categories. Views related to materials can be filtered and grouped by categories, making it easier to locate specific items. Their usage is optional but highly recommended.

# Material Categories Module

From the Material Categories module you can create, copy, edit and delete material categories.

The Material Categories module can be accessed from the View tab, and the Modules drop down.

Item Name Description
New Material Category Create a new material category starting from the empty template.
Copy Material Category Create a new material category by copying an existing one.
Open Opens the detail view of the selected material category. This is the equivalent of double-clicking a row in the list view.
Delete Deletes the selected material categories. For a category to be deletable, it needs to have no associated material.

# Material Categories List View

Double-click to open the category you wish to view or edit.

# Material Category Detail View

Edit an existing category or enter the information to define a new one.

Item Name Description
Name The unique name of the material category.
Description Optional additional information to describe this category.
Image An image to represent that material category.
Materials The list of materials currently assigned to that category.