Category: Administration
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Configuration, backup, and application management.

Various aspects of NIO can be configured from the Application Options dialog. The dialog can be accessed from the

You can change the general options at any time from the Application Menu > Options > General tab.

You can change the CAD options at any time from the Application Menu > Options > CAD tab.

NIO comes with a spell checker enabled by default. It highlights spelling mistakes in the text data entry fields like item Description.

You can change the units options at any time from the Application Menu > Options > Units tab.

Help Paramethod improve NIO by sending anonymous diagnostics and product usage statistics. While NIO is running, it collects non-obtrusively data...
NIO has optional command line arguments to override default application behavior.
Your NIO data and settings are saved in a single SQLite database file. The location of the file is:%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Paramethod\NIO\Parame...
Restoring a manual backup of the NIO database can be done with the following steps:

The Send Feedback form can be used to report a problem or make a suggestion to Paramethod. You can optionally attach files to your message.